Jun 17, 2024
In this episode, I speak with Dr. Bill Campbell, a member of our Scientific Advisory Board. We explore the critical importance of whole food nutrition for fat loss and emphasize the vital role of protein in your diet.
We explain the significant differences between processed and whole foods, and discuss how making healthier food choices can dramatically improve your body composition, metabolism, and energy levels. We share eye-opening studies and practical tips to help you follow a whole food-based meal plan.
Dr. Campbell and I also highlight the necessity of protein for muscle building, while providing practical advice on daily protein intake and its distribution throughout the day. We also discuss the benefits of high-quality protein sources, both animal-based and plant-based, and how a higher protein diet can support your fat loss goals by increasing satiety. Our conversation is packed with actionable insights that can help you optimize your nutrition.
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Amanda Tress: https://www.instagram.com/amandatress
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Dr. Bill Campbell: https://www.instagram.com/billcampbellphd/